Second child syndrome…

Left: “Sweet potato, on a spoon? dear god mum you animal -ABSOLUTELY NOT!!” Right: “The same sweet potato but off your finger? RIGHT ON, I will now lick the bowl clean!!!”
And there I was, left feeding my 5 month old a whole bowl of sweet potato with my finger. I couldn’t help but laugh and think if this was Evie I would not be doing it, but now it’s ANYTHING to make sure she eats the bowl quick and easy never mind “the correct way”. THAT is second child syndrome.

I absolutely love learning from my girls, what better way than to learn a BRUTAL lesson about yourself than creating a miniature version of you who gives as good as she gets?!!! It is amazing what having a child teaches you though, not only becoming a parent but also how to act yourself. They are so care free, resilient, happy and easy to please (at times!!) it makes you really look at the simpler things in life an learn to take pleasure from it again.

So, I had my first, Evie, at age 20 with baby daddy Shaun. She turned our world on its head, in the best way, but it was a huge shock to the system. Gone were the lie ins and care free attitude, if I heard “remember the time when you used to be able to just get out of a car without unpacking everything you need” one more time I was going to freak. Learning to deal with organising another life dependant on yourself, bottles, food, nappies, illnesses, clothes, baby grows -sooo many baby grows- all seemed hard work and chaotic at the time. Every movement she made was to worry over, developmental stages had to be met and of course “tummy time every day” where she’d scream cause NO BABY LIKES TUMMY TIME. It was life changing in a way that it really did change every single aspect of your life and you realise how you have so much more to worry about and be concerned over.

Being a second child though, I’d always heard of the phrase “ah it’s the second child syndrome”, but having my first not being able to see how I would be any different with a second. Along came Elsie, age 22 and our family of 4…and 2 bloody dogs later…is complete. And it really is completely different, I love them both equally and they are both my whole entire world, but there is a significant difference. With your first you are dealing with the huge changes that happen in your life, you are FAR more concerned with reading everything, checking everything and watching every movement. With your second you get to really enjoy every single second. You’re used to being tired, you’re used to all the menial jobs that just have to be done and they just continue to happen while you enjoy your new little bundle much more care free. Bottle washing with my first used to be done with military precision, it was something that had to be organised and understood or you just weren’t good enough to complete the task. IT WAS STRESSFUL, I mean, the bottles had to be washed AND sterilised and READY FOR BABY on time!!! (Yeh, really I used to stress over it ???) Now, I look back and laugh at what the hell I even had to stress about when now its more like, “aw I’ll have to do the bottles” **escapes crazy 2 year old tearing up living room and terrorising sister for a 10 minute break and some potential alone time**

It’s an amazing learning curve from one baby to two and I cannot WAIT to see if this last few months of the “terrible two’s” has imparted any wisdom for when it’s time for Elsie to go through this? If not, I will probably flee the country.




He knows best…gah!



I always find myself… “Explaining yourself about everything you do? Yeh I know it’s really annoying and you don’t need to do it…”

You know he’s ‘the one’, not when you have children, two dogs, a house and cars together -shit this is getting serious!?- but when he completes your sentences, showing he knows you better than you know yourself…and when you start making gagging noises as though you are dying of thirst and he knows straight away it’s time to make you a cup of tea. ☕️

Without gushing and showing too many signs of weakness, sometimes maaaaaybe just maybe…he knows best. Whilst I lay here with leg firmly on his back in protest over who owns most space in the bed, I do have to admit he does often have a good point. He brings me back to the ground, sets me back on the path I want to be on almost everyday and for that I will be forever thankful. Whilst he could have laughed and not given me the confidence to give this blog a good try, he encouraged me -with a cheeky laugh mind- to give it a go to clear my head and STOP EXPLAINING MYSELF.

I’ve found I’m always explaining why I do what I do, like what I like or wear what I wear…but when I come back to my home, my safe place…my family, I know exactly who I am and what I want no explanations needed. This is clearly to do with confidence, but as he rightly said (completely tongue in cheek and non-aggressively…) “it’s silly and it makes me want to slap you sometimes” because it makes me want to slap me too. Why do we do it? Why do we waste so much time these days worrying about everyone else and not focusing on the important and positive people and life changes around you.

So heres to clearing my head, starting fresh and stopping wasting time worrying and over-thinking…which was how this post started. This could be a long process!!!!


Did you ever stop to think, and forget to start again? 

This seems to be the story of my life. I stop to “think” about something new or something that needs to be completed, but ALWAYS forget to start it up again. I nearly called this blog the “unfinished project….project” for that very reason, but I don’t want this to be a project site. I want to be able to write in a bit more detail what I’ve got planned or think about and MAYBE just maybe, I might have the incentive to start finishing stuff!!!! 

So, I want this to be my go to instead of Social Media, I want to **try** consolidate my social media addiction into one place. I LOVE to get to the end of the day an have somewhere to show how proud I am of my girls, or excited I am for something, but I often find myself holding back for fear of REALLY annoying everyone on my Facebook, more than I may already do. But over sharing is caring right? No….just me? 😉